Mittwoch, Februar 02, 2005


Aus Freizeitstress bedingten Zeitdefiziten werde ich allerwahrscheinlichst die naechsten 2 Monate nicht zum schreiben kommen. So werde ich dann erst im April von all den tollen Ereignissen schreiben koennen, wie etwa mit herzallerliebsten neuen Freundin Kaffee durch Tim-Tams trinken oder Yam cha experiences mit der flatmate, Knoedel, Ateliers und der Liebe zu den drei Orangen.Wer nun nicht ganz ohne mich leben kann, sei eingeladen mich ueber e-mails zu kontaktieren, die allerwahrscheinlichst wenigstens alle 10 Tage mal gelesen werden.


In 6 Stunden kommt der Liebling... wie aufregend.


I wish to confirm that Babycakes worked as a medical trainee in the labatory at the Sydney Children’s Hospital during the period 1st September 2004- 9th February 2005. He conducted research on the development of the trigeminal system in children which is within the scope of his thesis.During this period Babycakes examined the trigeminal system of 107 children aged 5-7 years and obtained excellent data which will be submitted for publication in an International scientific journal and presented at the 27th Annual Meeting of the Association for Chemoreception Sciences in Sarasota Florida, USA in April 2005. In brief, he found that the trigeminal system in children, as regards responses to chemosensory substances, is adult-like by 6 years of age. This appears to be the first ever study of the chemosensory responses of children and it is a credit to Babycakes that he obtained an outstanding and unique result.Before the end of his stay, Babycakes presented an excellent seminar in English on his research which was very well received by the academic staff and clinical postgraduate students of the Hospital.In closing, Babycakes exhibited an outstanding ability for adapting to a new area of research and on how to present his findings in a concise and lucid manner, despite English not being his native language.