Mittwoch, Juni 01, 2005


Vielleicht liegt es ja an meinen Schlafdefiziten, denn ich bin im Anschluss an die drei Tage Gesundheitsboxarbeiten meinem Nachtwachenjob nachgekommen und hatte dann nur vier Stunden Schlaf, aber heute überkam mich ein Gefühl der Wehmut und Fernweh. Michelle, meine Sydney-Mitbewohnerin, hat mir eine Geburtsagemail gesendet und mir kamen einfach nur die Tränen:

Dearest Pierre,
Many many happy birthday wishes to you for Sunday - I hope you had a fabulous time and were treated like a princess!.
I'm sorry this is late - I've been very busy at work as I've been offered a permanent job in the company and have had to train somebody else in my current job which has kept my brain very occupied! (Yay for Me!)
Anyway, I wish you all the best, my love. I miss you and your Donald Duck noises and your fabulous dancing to ABBA at all times of the night and day.
Much love to you,
Schnabeliene xxxx
PS. Ange sends you kisses and angel wings, and Toro would love to say that he misses you but he can't talk yet, only miaow a lot and show me his bum hole. I'm working on it! xxx
Ich mag zurück..

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